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Author Topic: Warlock Shifter?  (Read 10351 times)

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September 22, 2010, 02:43:25 PM
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I want to make it possible for Warlocks to take the Shifter (PNP) PRC. What do I need to modify to make this happen. (I am new to coding).

This should be possible via the pen and paper rules after The Warlock takes the invocation that allows him to change into a spider (or hellcat).

September 22, 2010, 04:17:19 PM
Reply #1
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Quote from: barna10

I want to make it possible for Warlocks to take the Shifter (PNP) PRC. What do I need to modify to make this happen. (I am new to coding).

This should be possible via the pen and paper rules after The Warlock takes the invocation that allows him to change into a spider (or hellcat).

You want to modify the Shifter function in the scripts/prc_prereq.nss file. Copy the condition that checks that sorcerers/wizards have the polymorph spell and modify it to check for warlock and the invocations you mention. If, as you say, warlock is supposed to qualify, post what you come up with here and I can probably get itinto the official PRC code.

Ask again if you need more help. I don't have much time at the moment or I would try to come up with the exact change you need.

September 22, 2010, 05:51:41 PM
Reply #2
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Thank you very much!

How do I do this as an override?

Also, were do I find the scripts/prc_prereq.nss file so I can edit it?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 06:05:25 PM by barna10 »

September 22, 2010, 07:31:46 PM
Reply #3
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Ok, my brain is about to explode!

How do I add this?

September 22, 2010, 09:13:31 PM
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Quote from: barna10

Ok, my brain is about to explode!

How do I add this?

OK, so I made the bad assumption that you were already able to build the PRC. Tomorrow I'll see if I can build a modified PRC with this change and post a link to the files you'll need to try it out.

September 22, 2010, 09:58:46 PM
Reply #5
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I think I figured it out. I will test and let you know.

September 23, 2010, 07:44:39 AM
Reply #6

Shouldn't Spider Shape, Mask of Flesh or Hellspawned Grace qualify Warlock for the PnP Shifter PrC anyhow?

September 23, 2010, 08:31:28 AM
Reply #7
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Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Shouldn't Spider Shape, Mask of Flesh or Hellspawned Grace qualify Warlock for the PnP Shifter PrC anyhow?

I don't know if they should--never played actual PnP and don't have the source books. From looking at the code, I can tell that they currently don't.

September 23, 2010, 10:25:25 AM
Reply #8

Quote from: CapnQ

Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Shouldn't Spider Shape, Mask of Flesh or Hellspawned Grace qualify Warlock for the PnP Shifter PrC anyhow?

I don't know if they should--never played actual PnP and don't have the source books. From looking at the code, I can tell that they currently don't.

Mask of Flesh already qualifies Warlock for the PnP Shifter PrC.  In the next PRC version Spider Shape, Hellbound Grace & Humanoid Form will also qualify Warlock & Dragonfire Adept for the PnP Shifter PrC.

September 23, 2010, 11:18:11 AM
Reply #9
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By, the rules, the Warlock should qualify with any of the three invocations. Warlocks qualify for the "3rd level" spell requirement if they have an invocation that counts as a 3rd level or higher spell (as per Complete Arcane)

Also, any shifter with a Wis of 13 or greater should be able to get "Natural Spell" since Greater Wild Shape counts as Wild shape for all prereqs. This is per the PnP rules. (Natural Spell requirements are Wild Shape and Wis 13)

I still haven't been able to get it working, can someone give me some instructions on how to alter the code?

September 23, 2010, 11:36:45 AM
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Warlocks qualify for the "3rd level" spell requirement if they have an invocation that counts as a 3rd level or higher spell (as per Complete Arcane)

That's not true - warlocks qualify for arcane caster level requirements, but they don't cast spells!!! So they can't meet spell level requirements.

Attached modified script - place it in or above prc_scripts.hak
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 11:38:04 AM by xwarren »

September 23, 2010, 12:06:36 PM
Reply #11

Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Mask of Flesh already qualifies Warlock for the PnP Shifter PrC.  In the next PRC version Spider Shape, Hellbound Grace & Humanoid Form will also qualify Warlock & Dragonfire Adept for the PnP Shifter PrC.

Scratch all that.  Warlocks can't cast spells.  Shifters have 3rd lvl spellcasting as a pre-req.  Therefore a Warlock can't take Shifter w/o also having enough levels in a spellcasting class to cast 3rd lvl spells.

10 Warlock / 7 Fighter = No Shifter

10 Warlock / 7 Bard = Shifter
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 12:07:34 PM by DM Heatstroke »

September 23, 2010, 03:18:29 PM
Reply #12
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It's been too long since I played pnp! I remember having arguments about that stupid requirement. Makes no sense to require spellcasting for a class that doesn't cast spells.

Thank you anyway.

September 23, 2010, 03:42:41 PM
Reply #13
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What about getting Natural Spell fixed in the future?

September 23, 2010, 08:04:31 PM
Reply #14

The main problem with Natural Spell (in my opinion) is that while it works for Shifter (PnP), it doesn't work for Druids (they aren't even able to take the feat), I'm sure that in PnP, druids can take and benefit from Natural Spell, however, currently regular ol' Wild Shape/Elemental Shape/etc (non-'Shifter (PnP)' shifting, in other words) use Bioware's polymorph.

So I don't know if Natural Spell would even work with Bioware's Polymorph system. If it doesn't, is it in the plans at some point in the future to convert druids to the PRC shifting system as well?

Also, regarding Warlocks qualifying for Shifters, perhaps that could be made optional via a switch in the PRC options? Just a suggestion incase some folks might feel that invocations should count as 'spellcasting'. (The switches are, after all, meant for 'house rules', right? i.e. "we'd rather have 3.0 Heal" etc)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 08:10:52 PM by heimdallw32 »