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Author Topic: PRC 3.5 beta 2  (Read 38941 times)

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August 16, 2011, 07:00:09 PM
Reply #15


My Shaman animal companion is no longer part of my party if I have a henchman and reload from a save.

EX:  I get Tommy and then summon my companion (have three total characters in my party).  I save and reload and my animal companion is no longer in my party.  What is worse is that the companion is still around and follows me even though he wont join battles and is not in my party.

Sounds like some Bioware scripts are going to need to be modified to take the henchman animal companions into consideration.

August 16, 2011, 10:25:35 PM
Reply #16
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Another thing.

The Mystic acts like a spontanious caster.  Is there a "Spells Known" table so I can see what a Mystic can know over time?

Also, when the Shaman animal companion dies, it goes to the same teleport circle that regular henchman go to when they die.  EX:  Near Aribeth in chapter 1.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 11:13:58 PM by Necro »

August 17, 2011, 12:09:51 AM
Reply #17

Code: [Select]
0 Cure_Minor_Wounds 0 33
1 Inflict_Minor_Wounds 0 431
2 Light 0 100
3 Resistance 0 151
4 Virtue 0 189
5 AngryAche 1 2515
6 Bane 1 449
7 BladeofBlood 1 1744
8 Bless 1 6
9 Bless_Water 1 1851
10 Cause_Fear 1 155
11 Command_RadialMaster 1 3092
12 Conviction 1 3151
13 Cure_Light_Wounds 1 32
14 Detect_Chaos 1 3204
15 Detect_Evil 1 3201
16 Detect_Good 1 3202
17 Detect_Law 1 3203
18 Detect_Undead 1 2080
19 Divine_Favor 1 414
20 Doom 1 46
21 DrugResistance 1 2544
22 Endure_Elements 1 50
23 Entropic_Shield 1 418
24 ExtractDrug 1 2554
25 EyesoftheAvoral 1 2632
26 Heartache 1 2565
27 HideFromUndead 1 3432
28 Inflict_Light_Wounds 1 432
29 LanternLight 1 2634
30 LesserShiveringTouch 1 2605
31 Magic_Weapon 1 544
32 Necrotic_Awareness 1 2854
33 Obscuring_Mist 1 3085
34 Protection_from_Chaos 1 136
35 Protection_from_Evil 1 138
36 Protection_from_Good 1 139
37 Protection_from_Law 1 140
38 RayofHope 1 2640
39 Remove_Fear 1 148
40 Sanctuary 1 154
41 Shield_of_Faith 1 450
42 Sorrow 1 2582
43 Summon_Creature_I 1 174
44 SummonUndeadI 1 1784
45 TongueofBaalzebul 1 2588
46 VisionOfHeaven 1 3083
47 Addiction 2 2645
48 Aid 2 1
49 Animalisticpower 2 1741
50 Boneblast 2 2526
51 Bulls_Strength 2 9
52 Calm_Emotions 2 1852
53 Consecrated_Aura 2 2167
54 Cure_Moderate_Wounds 2 34
55 Darkness 2 36
56 Divine_Protection 2 3157
57 Eagle_Splendor 2 354
58 Elation 2 2630
59 Endurance 2 49
60 Find_Traps 2 377
61 Foxs_Cunning 2 356
62 Hold_Person 2 83
63 Inflict_Moderate_Wounds 2 433
64 Lesser_Dispel 2 94
65 Lesser_Restoration 2 97
66 Living_Undeath 2 3161
67 Necrotic_Cyst 2 2855
68 Negative_Energy_Ray 2 371
69 Owls_Wisdom 2 355
70 Remove_Paralysis 2 149
71 Resist_Elements 2 150
72 Silence 2 163
73 ShieldOther 2 3848
74 Sound_Burst 2 167
75 SporesoftheVrock 2 2584
76 Stone_Bones 2 527
77 Summon_Creature_II 2 175
78 SummonUndeadII 2 1785
79 Ultravision 2 365
80 UndetectableAlignment 2 3205
81 WaveofGrief 2 2593
82 Animate_Dead 3 2
83 Bestow_Curse 3 4
84 Blindness_and_Deafness 3 8
85 Boneblade 3 2522
86 Clarity 3 21
87 Close_Wounds 3 1849
88 ClutchofOrcus 3 2532
89 Contagion 3 27
90 Continual_Flame 3 419
91 CrownofMight 3 1815
92 CrownofProtection 3 1816
93 Cure_Serious_Wounds 3 35
94 Curse_of_Petty_Failing 3 3155
95 Darkfire 3 548
96 Daylight 3 2971
97 DeeperDarkness 3 3207
98 DevilsEye 3 2541
99 Dispel_Magic 3 41
100 EnergizePotion 3 2631
101 EnergyAegis 3 1821
102 FleshRipper 3 2562
103 Glyph_of_Warding 3 549
104 Inflict_Serious_Wounds 3 434
105 Invisibility_Purge 3 91
106 Legions_Conviction 3 3152
107 LocateObject 3 3658
108 Magic_Circle_against_Chaos 3 103
109 Magic_Circle_against_Evil 3 104
110 Magic_Circle_against_Good 3 105
111 Magic_Circle_against_Law 3 106
112 Magic_Vestment 3 546
113 Masochism 3 2644
114 Necrotic_Bloat 3 2856
115 Negative_Energy_Protection 3 125
116 ObscureObject 3 3660
117 Prayer 3 133
118 Protection_from_Elements 3 137
119 Remove_Blindness_and_Deafness 3 145
120 Remove_Curse 3 146
121 Remove_Disease 3 147
122 RingOfBlades 3 3685
123 Searing_Light 3 156
124 ShiveringTouch 3 2606
125 Shriveling 3 2580
126 Slashing_Darkness 3 3164
127 Summon_Creature_III 3 176
128 SummonUndeadIII 3 1786
129 UnlivingWeapon 3 2591
130 WaterBreathing 3 3399
131 Wrack 3 2595
132 AbyssalMight 4 2514
133 BloodOfTheMartyr 4 3099
134 ClawsoftheSavage 4 2530
135 Cure_Critical_Wounds 4 31
136 DamningDarkness 4 2535
137 Death_Ward 4 38
138 Dimensional_Anchor 4 2889
139 Dismissal 4 40
140 Divine_Power 4 42
141 Freedom_of_Movement 4 62
142 Greater_Magic_Weapon 4 545
143 Hammer_of_the_Gods 4 76
144 Inflict_Critical_Wounds 4 435
145 Legions_Shield_of_Faith 4 3163
146 Lower_Spell_Resistance 4 3126
147 Mass_Ultravision 4 3125
148 Necrotic_Domination 4 2857
149 Neutralize_Poison 4 126
150 Panacea 4 3162
151 Poison 4 129
152 Recitation 4 3140
153 RepelVermin 4 1804
154 Restoration 4 152
155 StopHeart 4 2586
156 Summon_Creature_IV 4 177
157 SummonUndeadIV 4 1787
158 SwordOfConscience 4 3084
159 Battletide 5 517
160 BreakEnchantment 5 1806
161 ChaavsLaugh 5 2626
162 Circle_of_Doom 5 19
163 ConvertWand 5 2627
164 DancingWeb 5 2628
165 FireInTheBlood 5 3437
166 Flame_Strike 5 61
167 GreaterCommand_RadialMaster 5 3086
168 Healing_Circle 5 80
169 Heartclutch 5 2566
170 Legions_Curse_of_Petty_Failing 5 3156
171 Mass_Contagion 5 2122
172 Mass_Cure_Light_Wounds 5 3135
173 Mass_Inflict_Light_Wounds 5 3213
174 Monstrous_Regeneration 5 525
175 MoralityUndone 5 2572
176 Necrotic_Burst 5 2858
177 Raise_Dead 5 142
178 ResonatingResistance 5 2577
179 Revivify 5 1850
180 Righteous_Might 5 3139
181 Scrying 5 3219
182 Slay_Living 5 164
183 Soulscour 5 3179
184 Spell_Resistance 5 168
185 Summon_Creature_V 5 179
186 SummonUndeadV 5 1788
187 True_Seeing 5 186
188 Animate_Object 6 1790
189 Banishment 6 430
190 Blade_Barrier 6 5
191 CallFaithfulServants 6 2624
192 CelestialBlood 6 2625
193 CloudoftheAchaierai 6 2531
194 Control_Undead 6 28
195 Create_Undead 6 30
196 Energy_Immunity 6 3113
197 Etherealness 6 443
198 Greater_Dispelling 6 67
199 Harm 6 77
200 Heal 6 79
201 Mass_Bulls_Strength 6 3119
202 Mass_Cure_Moderate_Wounds 6 3136
203 Mass_Eagle_Splendor 6 3121
204 Mass_Endurance 6 3122
205 Mass_Foxs_Cunning 6 3123
206 Mass_Inflict_Moderate_Wounds 6 3214
207 Mass_Owls_Wisdom 6 3124
208 Necrotic_Eruption 6 2859
209 Planar_Ally 6 451
210 SarcophagusOfStone 6 3662
211 Summon_Creature_VI 6 180
212 ThousandNeedles 6 2587
213 Undeath_to_Death 6 528
214 Blasphemy 7 3221
215 Destruction 7 366
216 Dictum 7 3222
217 Energy_Ebb 7 2863
218 FiendishClarity 7 2560
219 Greater_Harm 7 3217
220 Greater_Restoration 7 70
221 GreaterScrying 7 3655
222 Holy_Word 7 3220
223 Mass_Cure_Serious_Wounds 7 3137
224 Mass_Inflict_Serious_Wounds 7 3215
225 Regenerate 7 374
226 Repulsion 7 1853
227 Resurrection 7 153
228 RighteousSmite 7 2641
229 Summon_Creature_VII 7 181
230 TombofLight 7 2643
231 Word_of_Chaos 7 3223
232 WretchedBlight 7 2596
233 Antimagic_Field 8 2076
234 Aura_versus_Alignment 8 323
235 BodakBirth 8 2521
236 Create_Greater_Undead 8 29
237 Dimensional_Lock 8 2898
238 DiscernLocation 8 3656
239 Earthquake 8 426
240 Fire_Storm 8 57
241 Greater_Wall_of_Dispel_Magic 8 2096
242 Holy_Aura 8 1854
243 LastJudgement 8 2635
244 Mass_Cure_Critical_Wounds 8 3138
245 Mass_Heal 8 114
246 Mass_Inflict_Critical_Wounds 8 3216
247 Necrotic_Empowerment 8 2860
248 Pestilence 8 2887
249 Summon_Creature_VIII 8 182
250 Sunbeam 8 183
251 Despoil 9 2539
252 Energy_Drain 9 51
253 Gate 9 63
254 Implosion 9 87
255 Necrotic_Termination 9 2861
256 PlagueOfUndead 9 3439
257 Storm_of_Vengeance 9 173
258 Summon_Creature_IX 9 178
259 True_Resurrection 9 1855
260 Undeaths_Eternal_Foe 9 444
261 VileDeath 9 3438

i think ><

August 17, 2011, 12:45:03 AM
Reply #18
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O.K., the turn undead and turn elemental worked.  But why do the Sun and Fire domain abilities keep dissappearing from my quick slots everytime I rest?

That bug is back again? :(
I think that it was never fixed (at least not for domain powers).

My Shaman animal companion is no longer part of my party if I have a henchman and reload from a save.

EX:  I get Tommy and then summon my companion (have three total characters in my party).  I save and reload and my animal companion is no longer in my party.  What is worse is that the companion is still around and follows me even though he wont join battles and is not in my party.
Also, when the Shaman animal companion dies, it goes to the same teleport circle that regular henchman go to when they die.  EX:  Near Aribeth in chapter 1.
Using 'Animal Companion' feat should fix both issues but I'll add a small check to companions HB to unsummon it in situations like this.

The Mystic acts like a spontanious caster.  Is there a "Spells Known" table so I can see what a Mystic can know over time?
Mystics cast spells from Clerics spell list. You can see them all in PRC manual.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 12:47:01 AM by xwarren »

August 17, 2011, 09:34:00 PM
Reply #19
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New concern.

I created an Avarial Truenamer.  At creation I have 16 INT, 4 points into truespeak, and skill focus (truespeak).  I look at my skills page and it says truespeak 7.  I was expecting 10 (3 from INT + 4 points + 3 from skill focus).  Any idea why my count is off?

August 18, 2011, 12:16:19 AM
Reply #20

Not sure about this, but i think, the way truespeech is calculated, is instead of adding DC to your skill check, it is subtracted  ( -3 in this case) from the opposite DC to succeed the spell.
Need confirmation tho. IMO, about the class tho, unless it's just for low lvls play only, you will need to mess with the switch.

August 18, 2011, 02:47:45 AM
Reply #21
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Not sure about this, but i think, the way truespeech is calculated, is instead of adding DC to your skill check, it is subtracted  ( -3 in this case) from the opposite DC to succeed the spell.
Need confirmation tho. IMO, about the class tho, unless it's just for low lvls play only, you will need to mess with the switch.

Confirmed ;) The bonus is not displayed in character sheet, but it's subtracted from utterance DC.

Does anyone else experience TMI errors?
NECRO, could you send me your character file, please? Does TMI error also happen in OC?
About Shaman's animal companion - I had no problem with adding Tomi to my party (animal companion was removed though, but summoning it again fixed this problem).

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 02:50:57 AM by xwarren »

August 18, 2011, 02:22:48 PM
Reply #22
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TMI happened in the OC prelude only for Shaman.  My Truenamer and Warlack did not get the same issue.  It repeatably happens with my Shaman.

August 19, 2011, 02:02:17 AM
Reply #23
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TMI happened in the OC prelude only for Shaman.  My Truenamer and Warlack did not get the same issue.  It repeatably happens with my Shaman.

OK, I tested animal companion issue in Chapter 1 and there was no TMI. I'll check Prelude. Thanks :)

August 19, 2011, 10:23:49 AM
Reply #24
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To clarify on the TMI issue.  It only happens when I start a new game in the prelude.  When my Shaman first appears in the room you first spawn into the game in and all the messages show that things have loaded.  One of the messages is TMI.

NOTE:  For other PRC classes, this is the point when first starting a new game where the spells window pops up and asks to fill in spell slots.  I just do it manually, so it is not a big issue.  I have assumed the TMI message is an error with the initial spell pick script.

August 22, 2011, 12:25:50 PM
Reply #25

PRC 3.5 looks awesome.  One question though.  I've installed PRC 3.5 beta 2 into a brand new module, just to test - no areas built yet, no scripts added.  In character creation, I cannot get any PRC added base classes.  The prestige classes seem to appear just fine.  Feats, spells and other materials look fine too.  I've tried all that I can think of.  Please help!


August 22, 2011, 12:45:51 PM
Reply #26
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PRC 3.5 looks awesome.  One question though.  I've installed PRC 3.5 beta 2 into a brand new module, just to test - no areas built yet, no scripts added.  In character creation, I cannot get any PRC added base classes.  The prestige classes seem to appear just fine.  Feats, spells and other materials look fine too.  I've tried all that I can think of.  Please help!


At first level you can't select other classes than bioware ones - it's a known issue. You'll need a special Character Creator program to use PRC classes from lvl 1.

Check out PRC Download section in menu above and download PRC JavaCC 1.8.
Some info about installation:

August 22, 2011, 02:32:04 PM
Reply #27

You rock.  I'll check this out.

August 22, 2011, 02:35:55 PM
Reply #28

Sorry, one other question... Is PRC 3.5 beta 2 still incompatible with CEP 2.4 mounts?  If so, could you point me in the direction of resolving this conflict?

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 02:37:30 PM by Alzarian »

August 22, 2011, 02:43:15 PM
Reply #29
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Sorry, one other question... Is PRC 3.5 beta 2 still incompatible with CEP 2.4 mounts?  If so, could you point me in the direction of resolving this conflict?


Sorry, can't help you here. As far as I can remember PRC was incompatible with CEP horses. I was told that it's a phenotype issue, but I don't know exactly what's the problem.

You can still use 1.69 horses (IMHO those look better than CEPs).