
Spelldancers are an energetic sort of spellcaster who draw on the quasi-primal energy of song and dancing to power their magic. Functioning similar to a sorcerer or bard, they create magic when they need it, drawing from a wide repertoire of spells but in a taxing manner. Some call them spellsingers, but the primary component of their magic is the dance, and "spellsinger" is often confused with the slang term for a mage, "spellslinger."

- Hit Die: d6
- Proficiencies: Spelldancers gain no proficiencies
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Perform 6 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks.
Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Endurance, Mobility.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level arcane spells.

Abilities, Bonus Feats, and Saving Throws

Level BAB Fortitude Reflex Will Abilities Feats Granted Bonus Feat Spells Per Day/Spells Known
1 0 0 2 2
  • Spelldance - Apply metamagic feats for free
0 +1 caster level of existing spellcasting class
2 1 0 3 3
  • Enthralling Dance - Cast enthrall twice a day
  • Evasion
0 +1 caster level of existing spellcasting class
3 1 1 3 3
  • --
0 +1 caster level of existing spellcasting class
4 2 1 4 4
  • Sleep Dance - Cast enhanced sleep once a day
0 +1 caster level of existing spellcasting class
5 2 1 4 4
  • Confusion Dance - Cast confusion once a day
0 +1 caster level of existing spellcasting class