Size Decrease -6
This creature has a smaller size than its appearance suggests. The effects of this are shown below. They are cumulative for each decreased size category.
Colossal to Gargantuan:
Str -8, Con -4, AC (natural) -5, AC (dodge) +2, AB +2, Hide +4.
Gargantuan to Huge:
Str -8, Con -4, AC (natural) -4, AC (dodge) +2, AB +2, Hide -4.
Huge to Large:
Str -8, Dex +2, Con -4, AC (natural) -3, AC (dodge) +1, AB +1, Hide +4.
Large to Medium:
Str -8, Dex +2, Con -4, AC (natural) -2, AC (dodge) +1, AB +1, Hide +4.
Medium to Small:
Str -4, Dex +2, Con -2, AC (dodge) +1, AB +1, Hide +4.
Small to Tiny:
Str -4, Dex +2, AC (dodge) +1, AB +1, Hide +4.
Tiny to Diminutive:
Str -2, Dex +2, AC +2, AB +2, Hide +4.
Diminutive to Fine:
Dex +2, AC +4, AB +4, Hide +4.