Redspawn Arcaniss

Tiamat created the redspawn arcanisses to be her spellcasters in battle, imbuing them with a red dragon's love of carnage and the magic all true dragons inherit with age. The arcanisses serve her as engines of destruction, wildly hurling deadly spells amid the Chromatic Dragon's more melee-oriented forces.

Redspawn Arcaniss Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, +4 Con, +6 Cha
Favored Class (Sorcerer): A multiclass Redspawn Arcaniss's sorcerer class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Special Abilities:

- Low Light Vision
- Darkvision
- Base movement of 40
- Natural Armor Bonus: Racial natural armor bonus of 2
- Immune to Fire damage
- Vulnerable to Cold damage
- Immune to Paralysis
- Armored Caster (Ex): A redspawn arcaniss can wear light armor and use light shields without an arcane spell failure chance
- Fire Spell Affinity (Ex): A redspawn arcaniss casts fire spells at +2 caster level. In addition, the redspawn arcaniss heals 2 points of damage per spell level each time it casts a fire spell.
- Monstrous Humanoid: Redspawn Arcaniss are considered Monstrous Humanoid for the purpose of spells
- Sorcerer Casting: Redspawn Arcaniss cast spells as a Sorcerer of their 3/4 hit dice (6th level at 8 RHD)

(The following may or may not be in use, depending on the module switch settings)
Level Adjustment: +4
Racial Hit Dice/Class: 8 of Monstrous Humanoid

Racial Feats
Low-light Vision
Monstrous Humanoid
Vulnerability Cold
Natural Armor 2