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Messages - RannosStoneshield

Pages: [1]
Prestige Classes / Bard / Lich - can't take 5th level of Lich
« on: December 31, 2019, 11:48:06 PM »
I'm playing with a Bard / Lich, and it's pretty fun. However, it's not letting me take Lich 5, even though I went up to 27 in Bard.

The manual says "In order to become a Demilich you must be a level 21 caster." so is that incorrect? I did pick the Epic Spellcasting feat, just to see if that would do the trick, but it does nothing as this character can't cast level 9 arcane or divine spells.

Help / Re: Delevel NPC not working right
« on: December 29, 2019, 02:17:40 PM »
That's a great idea!

I recoded my delevel NPC so he banks the XP he removes and can level other characters. So while I'm testing characters, I can bank the items with a persistent chest and then bank the XP with him and slowly level back up.

Help / Delevel NPC not working right
« on: December 27, 2019, 06:34:12 PM »
I have a delevel NPC setup, so if we mess up some feat choices or want to change our character, we can start over.

However, since I added in the PRC, it's not working I am wondering if I should just turn that guy off, or if there was a fix someone had in mind that would not be too much work to be worth it.

What's happening is when he strips away the levels, it's not pulling off Warlock invocations and then when you start leveling back up, it's not giving you the dialogue to fix that.

I was thinking if there was an easy way to just call the conversation used with Warlocks that lets them redo their invocations, I could offer that service for a fee as the penalty for messing up and not have to completely redo the character, grinding back up to level.


Help / Re: XP not awarding after adding PRC
« on: December 24, 2019, 04:33:35 PM »
I had a new thought on the problem and found what was going on.

The PRC script calls this script as part of the NPC death event:
Code: [Select]
    ExecuteScript("prc_pwondeath", OBJECT_SELF);

I did not have that script anywhere in the module, so I added it with this code to call Shayan's XP script and it is now working.

Code: [Select]
void main()
    ExecuteScript("sha_xpsystem", OBJECT_SELF);

Help / XP not awarding after adding PRC
« on: December 23, 2019, 10:35:40 PM »
I've been playing around with "World of Rhun" on a server on my LAN. My son talked me in to adding PRC to the module and it seems to be working quite well.

Except it does not award XP on all. There is no yellow text saying anything about XP.  It looks like the PRC on death script is firing because I am getting remains with loot drops.

It uses Shayan's XP system, so it is pretty complicated.

Any suggestions on where I should start looking to make sure the right scripts are firing off and have the right information? I'm fairly new to module building but I have been programming in other languages for a long time. I think if I can figure out where to look and what scripts should be firing on the events, I can follow those along and then try to figure out why XP is not being awarded at all.

Help / Re: Help, blank prc descriptions
« on: December 23, 2019, 10:21:21 PM »
That did the trick, thank you!

Help / Re: Help, blank prc descriptions
« on: December 21, 2019, 10:09:18 PM »

EDIT: NVM, I fixed it. It was quite simple. The forum thing still gets me spooked a little though.

I am having this exact problem, where text in feats and spells is not showing up correctly. You say it was a simple fix, but don't say what you did.

I will still look into the issue on my install, but you should post what you did on your post so others can benefit.

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